A front extends over the southern coast of Japan and the low pressure system around Shikoku is heading east.


Weather Map by JMA

Kanto-Koshin 11/15-11/21

It’s currently cloudy or rainy in Kanto-Koshin.
For the week of Nov.15-21, the weather will change every a few days. It will rain in the beginning and latter half of the week due to a front or low pressure system.

The temperatures will be equal to or higher than usual, but lower in places in the first half. The rainfall will be normal.


Nov.15: Cloudy, followed by occasional sunshine in the afternoon.
Nov.16: Clear, followed by clouds at night.

11/15  ☁/☀ 20℃/ –
11/16     ☀    16℃/10℃
11/17  ☁|☀ 16℃/7℃
(JMA, Nov.15 5am JST)